Every single one of us is unique. Our voices are different, our fingerprints are different, and our smiles are all our own. The culmination of all of our traits makes us individuals and set us apart. Our uniqueness is one of the greatest gifts on this earth and brings so much beauty to our lives. In all the sameness that surrounds us, it’s nice to be reminded of how much we are each one-of-a-kind. Each of us a rare gem! And the more we become in tune with our own individuality, the more authentic and real we can show up in our lives. I hope this stirs you to think about how appreciating uniqueness, in you and around you, can enrich your life.
Physical Space– Assuming you have spaces in your life that need some decluttering TLC, it’s normal to have lost your appreciation of those spaces because they are associated with the clutter. In order to look past your frustration of the current state, try to remember what the space was like when you moved in. Remember all the ideas you had for the space before Newton’s law of universal gravitation took over, with clutter attracting more clutter. That uniqueness of the space is still there. Maybe all it takes is asking yourself, “How do I want to utilize and appreciate this space.” Once you envision what it looks like, start taking action to create and recapture its beauty.
Mental Space– You may share many of the same thoughts and beliefs that others do, but exactly how it makes you feel when you think those things or act are completely unique to you. Your mental makeup is the totality of all your life experiences, education, and memories.
Let look at an example. Say you and your best friend both think “I have too much clutter in my kitchen cabinets.” She feels distraught about it and then acts by avoiding the clutter, judging herself for not doing anything about it and complaining. You, on the other hand, feel determined and proceed to take action by emptying out the cabinets and keeping only what you really need, love, and use.
Same thought. Different feeling. Different actions. Different results.
Who do you want to be in this scenario? The best friend? Or You? You get to decide. That’s the power of having the ability to own your thoughts, feelings, actions, and results.
You may be thinking that sometimes the thought is just too charged to change your feeling about it. Then what do you do? You change your thought. Change it to something that leaves you feeling determined or any feeling that you are desiring to get the actions you want and ultimately the result–tidy, uncluttered kitchen cabinets.
Some examples of thoughts that may help with that transition are:
I can clean up the clutter in my kitchen cabinets.
I am learning how to create space in my cabinets.
I am capable of cleaning out my kitchen cabinets.
Play around with the words and phrases until you get to a thought that creates a feeling that gives you the outcome you desire. This process can be applied to anything you are struggling to change. How you approach it and the thought that works for you is unique to you. Keep going!
Relationships– Of course you know that every person in your life has a special something about them that sets them apart from the crowd. But if you are like me, sometimes you forget to look for it. It is so important to take the time to remember and appreciate those things about each person. It’s not enough to hold it inside. Share it with them. Yes, it is vulnerable and may feel a bit awkward at first if this isn’t something you are used to doing, but the people in your life with feel the love, even if they don’t outwardly show it.
Be kind, be thoughtful, be grateful and don’t forget to express some of that toward yourself too. Giving yourself appreciation is often much more difficult that giving it to others, but take the time to say nice things to yourself. Tell yourself you are proud of how much you have accomplished at work, with your kids, or even the smalls things, like not eating that cookie. Every little bit counts for remembering your self worth.
Final Thoughts on Unique
I hope you reserve a few moments each day to take in the unique beauty of the things, people, and thoughts surrounding you. Share your appreciation out loud. It may sound silly, but even tell your things how much you appreciate them. Sometimes we get so busy and caught up in our own tasks and to-dos that we forget to pause and breathe it all in!
Sending so much kindness and love to you. I appreciate each of you that spend your time reading the blog each week. It means so much to me and my purest hope is that it serves someone, even just one person.
I love hearing from you so please comment below and tell us what makes you unique!