We all know that we only have so much time each day and our energy levels ebb and flow. That is why it is so important to make decisions that enrich our lives and help us grow in the direction we desire. But often, the clear decision can be muddied by others’ opinions and our own biases. We wait to make the “right” decision. Should you start that business, quit your job, have a baby, buy a house or rent? These are decisions that change the trajectory of your life, so of course you want to make it carefully. It’s important that when you make a decision, you like your reasons for your choice. So how do we accomplish this. One way is to check in with your mind and body and see if you get a full-body YES. You know what that feels like. You will be more excited than fearful. You may smile and your brain will turn on with the possibilities and solutions for how you are going to move forward. Utilize this energy to take action! I love this quote by Niklas Goeke to help in short-curcuiting my mental chatter. “If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no!”
Physical Spaces– Now let’s associate this full-body yes to your home or any physical space you want to declutter or change. So often, we make a decision and then forget to revisit it months or even years later to make sure it is still serving us. Starting with a question like, “Do I still want to declutter this room?” can revisit that patterned thought that you think you should. It may seem elementary to ask this, but it may reveal other underlying thoughts our feelings that can better align your actions moving forward.
Assuming the answer is a YES!
You then return to the beginning principles of making a decision for each item you are deciding on. Remember, if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.
There are very few maybes. If you are getting lots of “I don’t know” answers, that is an indication that your brain is delaying the decision and being resistant in deciding. If you are in the process of decluttering and you notice this, you may need to take a break, your decision ‘muscle’ can fatigue if you’ve been going at it for a while.
This wonderful thing about this one question of, “Is it a full-body yes?” is that it can be applied to any decision you are making. Your mind is a master at coming up with reasons for your answer, just remember to really like your reasons.
Also, remember it is okay to change your mind. You are not a static being. You are so dynamic and your preferences and reasons can change over time.
Best of luck with this rewarding process! It is the fast-track to making changes and progress.
Final Thoughts on Yes
When you get to experience a full-body yes, you will remember it. Your energy will be buzzing and following through on these gems will enrich your life. So what will you say “yes” to with ALL of you?
Let’s have some fun in the comments below by sharing about a decision you were able to make using this suggestion!