“V” of The ABC’s Blog Series

Reading Time: 5 minutes


 a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged

-relative worth, utility, or importance

-something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable 

-the monetary worth of something (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

The topic of value is one that I only, really, started to consider consciously in my adult life.  Even after becoming aware of this concept, I still ‘make’ many decisions with little to no thought. These are my default patterns, the ones that keep me stuck from becoming all that I imagine I can and want to be. Each moment I am making a calculation about what I value based on the time I spend doing it. When I value my health, I spend the time working out, eating healthy, shopping for those items, cooking at home, and getting adequate sleep.

When we are clear on our values, the actions trickle down into all parts of our lives. 

Sometimes values overlap with others making the actions even more powerful. I value my time and that value overlaps with my health value. This overlap shows up in the recipes I choose, eating the same things for lunch everyday, meal prepping my lunches three days ahead, and I don’t eat breakfast to intermittent fast. As you read, think about how your values overlap or compete with each other. 

Physical Spaces– Every item in your home has been assigned a value by you, consciously or unconsciously. By default, you have assigned it value because you have it. When you decide to keep it, you assign it a little more value. If you use it, you assign it even more value. Getting to the point where everything in your home has real, decided value is the holy grail. 

Value can come in the form of utility, aesthetics, or both! The most fun is when you choose to surround yourself with valuable things, based on your own criteria about what you value. 

To better explain this, I am going to share a personal story. Six years ago, my husband and I bought our first home. When we moved in, one of the bedrooms was painted hot pink and light green as the previous owner had a young daughter. I even remember having a hot pink bedroom when I was young! But now in my thirties, I don’t find the value AT ALL in having a hot pink room in my home. Alas, six years have passed and still, I have a hot pink room. This room became the “everything without a home goes here” room that we not-so-affectionately call “The Pink Room”. We have rearranged, tidied, and clumped things together many times in this room but it never stays tidy. 

So while thinking about the topic of value, I realized that I don’t value this room the way I would like to. I’m even annoyed with it. So I asked myself a few questions and did some math. 

How much am I paying a month for this room that I don’t even like? 

To determine this I measured the length and width of the room and divided that by the total house square footage. I took that number and multiplied it by our mortgage. (If you want to get even more accurate you can take the %Rm and multiply that by your monthly utilities and add that to the $ Monthly Price for Room.)  

L x W = Rm Sqft

Rm Sqft / Home Sqft = %Rm

%Rm x Monthly Mortgage = $ Monthly Price for Room 

I learned we were paying $84/month to have this room we didn’t even like!! 

Putting a dollar amount on this room, really shook me into action because I value my money, but even more, I value not ‘wasting’ money. Knowing that we spend $84/month on this room seemed wasteful. This room could be so much more! 

The other question I asked is, what would give this room value to me? 

I decided I would find the room more valuable if it were a color that appeals to me. And I decided, if I valued the room itself, then I will finally go through and declutter the space to make it another room in our house, not just “The Pink Room.” 

These values compelled me to take action. I’m excited to share, I have already ordered the paint!! 

I imagine you probably have you own version of “The Pink Room” in your home. 

What do you envision for the space? 

What is keeping you from valuing the room more? 

How much are YOU spending a month on that room? 

Now, let the answers to these questions lead you into action!

Mental Space– Switching gears, let’s move into your mind. Learning to get clear on your values, what you find valuable, and why you find it valuable is integral in making changes and sticking to it. 

Your values are your guiding compass when stuck in indecision and confusion. 

I’m sure you have felt the inner turmoil when you know you have a value but act in opposition to your value because you have a competing value. Or, maybe you didn’t really know what you valued more but afterward felt some negative emotion. 

Doing the work on the front end to determine how and why you are making decisions is so important to making successful changes. I highly encourage you to spend the time now to explore your values. Don’t keep it all locked away in your thoughts circling around in your head. Put it down on paper. Ask yourself the questions below and then just write what comes. There are no right or wrong answers.  

What do you value in life, even if you don’t have it right now? 

Why do you value these things or ideas?

When did you start having this value?

Is this your value or one you adopted from your childhood? 

Did someone else tell you what you should value? 

Now that you have a good idea on what values you have and where they came from. 

Which values overlap? 

Which values compete? 

How can you change your values to create more overlap and less competition? 

If you are acting in opposition to any of your values, what are you valuing more? 

Do you want to keep that value over the other? 

Which values do you want to keep, add, or remove in order to evolve?

If you spend some time answering these questions and contemplating your values and actions, you will find out the ways you have been sabotaging your success and limiting yourself. This is beautiful and powerful work.

Final Thoughts on Value 

I hope you do the writing exercise and it helps you gain deeper understanding about yourself. Each time we get a little clearer on our next steps toward creating conscious values, we work toward improving our overall satisfaction and well being. It is incredible how small changes to our values can make big changes in our lives. 

Quick tip: If you are struggling to make progress in a specific area of your life (health, relationship, money) use the value seeking questions mentioned in the Mental Space section to help. Answer the questions from the perspective of the topic such as “What do you value about money?”, “Is this your value about money or one you adopted from your childhood?”,  etc. 

I love hearing from you so please comment below and share what you value or want to value more!

Post your success pictures on Instagram and tag @declutterfyyourlife 

Or, contact me directly at patty@declutterfyyourlife.com


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