I never thought I was all that wise until I finally ran into others who spoke about ideas that seemed so familiar and true to me. Almost as if I was remembering something long forgotten and it was definitely not my first exposure to the idea. I love having these moments of being reminded of these eternal truths. The best I can describe it is that it feels like the message is speaking directly to my soul, circumventing all mind chatter. It’s a deep sense of knowing. So often though, I miss the message of my own wisdom. I’ve learned it is usually because I won’t be still enough to listen to the whispers that carry the wisdom. So how do we hear the subtle wisdom that is always within us? It takes practice. It takes awareness. It takes humble vulnerability. And it takes releasing from the white-knuckling need-to-know grip of our minds that keep us in our thinking brain and emotional reactions.
Physical Spaces– So how do you use your internal wisdom in your home? Do physical items have wisdom? Maybe you should ask them. 🙂 I know this sounds a bit far-fetched but if you aren’t sure where to begin decluttering in a room, try this.
First, turn off all the sounds around you and take a seat in the room alone.
Look around the room and do your best to turn off all the judgmental thoughts.
Then close your eyes and think about what you would like the room to look like. Be as detailed in your mind as possible.
Ask yourself: What you want to feel in the room? What do you want to see in the room?
If this is difficult for you to imagine, then try asking the room what it would like to be. What area would like to be addressed first?
If you are still enough and quiet the judgmental chatter, your inner wisdom will be revealed. Once you have received some answers or have an image in your mind that you want to create, open your eyes and imagine it fully. You will be tempted to go back into judgment of the clutter.
Just observe the space and allow the wisdom that you received to guide you into action and creation.
This is also a fun exercise to do when you are starting from scratch. It will help you tap into your creativity. Have fun with this!
Mental Space– Sometimes you may feel stuck and completely disconnected from your inner wisdom. Maybe you are about to try something new or you received some awful news. Maybe you are caught up in a self-destructive spin…..AGAIN. These moments can be really hard to deal with and trusting your inner wisdom may seem like too much to ask. So here’s an exercise that can really help you out if you find yourself here.
One of the best ways you can reconnect to your inner wisdom is to think about someone you believe is wise that you respect. They can be living or dead, someone in you’ve met or someone you listen to on your favorite podcast. They can even be a fictional character or even a pet. It doesn’t matter who you pick as long as you believe they are wise and you respect them.
Now think of whatever question or issue you are facing.
Ask yourself, “How would [insert your wise person] handle this situation?
What would [insert your wise person] do or say to me right now?
If [insert your wise person] was in this situation, what would [WP] be thinking to solve the problem?
These questions are so powerful! Try it right now. You will be shocked at how much insight you actually have regarding your problem just by changing the context of who is facing the problem.
Everything you admire about that wise person you chose is already in you. Tapping into it is the way to harnessing your full potential and ability to rise to the occasion and make new decisions that pull you from the despairing thoughts of failure and disappointment.
Anytime you think “I don’t know how” or “I don’t know what to do”, do this exercise and you will receive guidance and realize that you actually do know!
Final Thoughts on Wisdom
I am constantly amazed by my inner wisdom and am equally amazed at how often I ignore myself. However, I have learned that the more I practice listening, the easier it is to hear my own wise self providing guidance and clarity to me.
I love hearing from you so please comment below and share your wisdom with us all!